Monday, December 18, 2006

Homework with a Difference

Try setting Lego Junkbot for homework and see what happens. My experience shows that girls and their dads have a great time. Mums are a little unsure and the boys in the class just don't tell anyone it is homework ;)

NB I've then heard stories of parents sitting up to all hours trying to solve the problems.

Have the students outline the hardest level to solve and perhaps why they think you set the homework for them :)

Or if you think this gaming stuff is a load of rubbish maybe you should read a little Prensky :)



Sunday, December 17, 2006

Bras, Zippers and Automobiles

braI love to bring it to the attention of my students that there are many inventions in the world that we simply take for granted. Some of these inventions changed the world big time and some have just changed the way we do things.

Check out the expanded lesson ideas @

NB It is an urban myth that the bra was invented by Samuel Titsling :)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Astronomy 4 Kids and Parents

Since I don't have access to the night sky in my classroom :) One of my favourite homework tasks is to get the kids talking about astronomy. About 3 times a year I send home the month's Sky Map. The children learn so much and it is nice to get a little awe and wonder into the curriculum. The activity always creates heaps of discussion.

Soon you'll be able to print out December's chart for either the Northern Hemisphere of the Southern Hemisphere
(That discussion in itself is often a good starter hehehehe).

Check out how I use the Sky Maps and where to get them here

Little Hint - Work out why East and West are on the wrong sides & explain it. This will save you a fair bit of time later on :)



Sunday, December 03, 2006

Problem Solving Homework

Every year I have a huge focus on problem solving as a thinking skill and everyone asks for copies of the problems that I've used over the years. This problem is one of my favourites and is the first on the problem solving section of my website.

I have never seen it solved in one session so the kids and their family have seven days to try and solve it for homework.

Feel free to download this puzzle and have some fun thinking and being frustrated.

The Homework Dragon

BTW This is a great activity if you are a casual teacher.